Thriving on challenges, moving on the wheels of innovations and facilitating seamless integration of India’s State Road Transport Undertakings, to ensure a world class passenger road transport system reaching all corners of India, thus making a mark in the global map of public road transport.
Strengthening the public transport system in the country by facilitating improvement of transport
infrastructure with enhanced safety standards and assured service levels, efficient governance,
sustainable mobility with environmental sensitivity and last mile connectivity.
Formulation of policies and facilitating their implementation, advocacy with Ministry and
Government agencies, addressing issues of common interest in various interactive forums for the
benefits of member undertakings.
Enhancing the competency of transport managers of STUs by participation in national and
international conferences and seminars, workshops and training.
Providing a common procurement service of quality automobile components at reasonable
prices meeting the standard specifications to its member.
To provide forum for exchange of ideas on best practices on various issues to facilitate
operational excellence.
To facilitate exposure to top management of SRTUs at national and international best practices
through participation in conferences/ study tours/ workshops.
Inspire excellence though innovation and sharing useful information and cutting edge
knowledge & expertise.
Procurement Service
To provide a common procurement service through ASRTU RC which is finalized by Standing
Committee (Supplies & Contracts).
Testing of Components
To facilitate testing of components to ensure quality assurance and training personnel, formulate
specifications of various bus spares, besides other general items used for maintenance of bus
fleet in SRTUs.
Advocacy & Outreach
To undertake advocacy to promote public transport & sustainable mobility solutions though
liaising with various ministries at national level.
To undertake and promote research studies in transport economics & engineering and other
matters affecting the transport industry.
Networking & Business
We bring our members & industry OEM’s together to exchange ideas, and technical solution &
mutual beneficial business partnership at our annual general body meeting and annual